Alexandra Garatzogianni, Gerrit Rosam & Michael Fribus will represent the H2020 TRUSTS project and the Leibniz University of Hannover (LUH) during the European Sustainable Energy Week 2022 that takes place both in Brussels and online.
The Extended Programme of the EUSEW2022 takes place from 19th to 23rd of September 2022 and the core Policy Conference is from 26th to 29th of September 2022.
This year’s theme of the energy week is ‘Going green and digital for Europe’s energy transition’, which is highly relevant for the H2020 TRUSTS project from the standpoint of energy data markets and digitalization.
The Policy Conference offers keynote speeches and dedicated sessions for topics such as the REPowerEU Plan, digitalization, energy efficiency, renewable energy, decarbonisation, consumers and a fair energy transition.
Discover the agendas of the Extended Programme as well as the Policy Conference of the European Sustainable Energy Week 2022.
Also make sure to register to the event on the website of the EUSEW2022.