Calling for Innovative Big Data-Enabled Energy Services
SYNERGY Open Call – Deadline 6 April
SYNERGY’s Open Call will select up to 8 projects that can make use of the SYNERGY Big Data Platform and Analytics Marketplace and are deployed in the SYNERGY demonstration sites
The main objective of the open call is to enlarge the outreach of the core big data platform and analytics offering to be delivered by the SYNERGY consortium and engage relevant organizations in the development of innovative and added value energy services that will complement those that will be offered as part of the SYNERGY implementation.
Open Call #1 – INNOVATE Call for Tech
HosmartAI – Deadline: April 8, 2022 at 17:00 CET
HosmartAI is looking for innovative tech Startups/SMEs developing AI solutions, that can be implemented within the Healthcare sector. A total budget of €200,000 is available to support 4 startups/SMEs in the design, development and integration of their health-interoperable technologies into the HosmartAI’s platform.
You can apply for solving a particular HosmartAI challenge, or for bringing new technology to be integrated in the HosmartAI platform.
Open call for proposals
KRAKEN – Deadline: April 20, 2022
Authors are invited to submit research and application papers for the ARES conference (August 23 – 26, 2022, in Vienna, Austria).
KRAKEN is part of the 4th Workshop on Security, Privacy, and Identity Management in the Cloud board chairs with Sebastian Ramacher and Stephan Krenn, both from AIT. More partners from within the KRAKEN’s consortium can still join the session with their proposals.
Call for Experiments & Call for Use Cases based on citizen societal challenges
AI4Copernicus –
Deadline: April 30, 2022
- Type of proposal: Experiments (The end output of the experiments should be at min TRL6)
- Beneficiaries: SMEs, startups, spin-offs (single partner projects)
- Funding: up to € 80k for each prototype (8 prototypes to be funded) (proposals that exceed €60.000 will need to clearly justify their budgetary request)
- Type of proposal: Use-Case (The end output of the Use-Cases should be at min TRL5)
- Beneficiaries: Consortia of high-tech & at least 1 low-tech SME, startups, spin-offs
- Max funding per project: up to €150.000 (3-partner consortia), up to € 120.000 (2-partner consortia) (maximum amount per third party / per partner: up to €60.000)