Within the last months a bunch of research papers were published (take a look at our research section to get a full overview). The latest were published at the end of May. Two of them are are assigned to the business sector, the third deals with crypto transfer learning 

Data Marketplaces: Ownership and Data Sovereignty

The TU Delft team published two papers lately, regarding business aspects of data marketplaces. “Preparing Future Business Data Sharing via a Meta-Platform for Data Marketplaces: Exploring Antecedents and Consequences of Data Sovereignty” has been accepted for publication in the proceedings of the 35th Bled eConference. You can read more about the paper in our latest news article here. The second paper is dedicated to contrasting business models of data marketplaces with varying ownership and orientation structures. It develops business model archetypes for the full array of data marketplace types, ranging from private to independent ownership and from a hierarchical to a market orientation. Through exploratory interviews and case analyses, the TU Delft team created a business model taxonomy.

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CryptoTL: Private, efficient and secure transfer learning

The TRUSTS consortium partner Know Center Austria has published a paper about transfer learning (TL). TL allows knowledge transfer from a general domain to a specific target one. Such a knowledge transfer may put privacy at risk when it comes to sensitive or private data. With CryptoTL they introduce a solution to this problem, and show for the first time a cryptographic privacy-preserving TL approach based on homomorphic encryption that is efficient and feasible for real-world use cases.
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